Private Lesson
Hello...and thanks again! Hi Bill, I am back home in
Ottawa after a successful trip to Orlando. I want to thank
you for making time for me while I was in Florida. It was
such a pleasure to meet you and to hear your incredible
range, power and ease of playing! Thanks also for the kind
words of encouragement. I am keen to work on those exercises
you gave me, to make my playing easier and increase my range
and endurance! I hope to come and see you again some time,
perhaps next June, if not sooner. Best regards, Ian
Online Lesson
Loved what you had to say. I think I got the most out of the
breathing. I have been working on the breathing but I wasn't
getting it completely until I saw what you did with your gut
and you embochure. So I tried set by picking a high not
which was a high F and with that set position I reached a
double C, although not strong I got it. I then tried the
high F and it was pretty good and strong. So now how do you
get to tonguing up high and keep from getting a head rush?
Chuck |
Intensive Lessons
Email #1:
Bill, That was the most informative and enjoyable time I have
spent in recent times, professionally. Thank you, thank you, thank
you. There is a lot for me to reflect on, so I will e-mail more
thoroughly when I get home to the UK, but we would love to see you
in October, at a Disney show, and possibly have you and your wife
visit with us here at Mayflower Villa! Still trying to get my head
around 12 hrs playing yesterday! Awesome, my friend. Plenty for me
to live up to, in the name of musical enjoyment. Any books beside
the Vizzutti, you can recommend, or e-mail, will be gratefully
received. I would also love to play more duets etc with you on the
next trip! I will be in touch next week. This is going to be a great
adventure! Thanks once again!
Warm Regards, John
Email #2:
Bill, Just arrived home, and though jet lagged, started to go thru
what we did. Doing the C, pedal C and then up, I managed a double G
3 times, so thats a big start as I haven't played one on this
embouchure for 28 yrs, so now to build on that! Do you have anything
else that will build chops like that, or can you recommend any other
tutor. I hope to receive your CD shortly, and look forward to
continued contact. Regards, John
Email #3:
Hi Bill, BOY I was back to work this morning, but, thanks to the
great Bill C, my lip felt great and I managed 3hrs 30 mins when
normally I would manage 2hrs 30 after a holiday. AND I was asked to
do a funeral tomorrow, so WEY HEY DUDE! And I've just been through
Emma's finals pieces and th'old lip was easier tonight thanks to
your warm up beforehand. The only trouble is that I'm going to have
to see you on every trip if you don't mind!!?? Regards, John |
The Star-Spangled Banner
Great trumpet! Bill, my name is norm and I visited your
website today and listened to the Star Spangled Banner. It
is the most awesome arrangement I have heard, and your
playing gave me goosebumps! I play in a community concert
band in Johnson City, TN and would like to know if you do
guest artist appearances with bands like us. Also, I am a 50
year old comeback player in my 10th year of starting over.
Decent tune, terrible range (high c if I feel good).would
really like to improve as I play a lot in church and the
band, so I will be contacting you about this later.thank you
for your time. You are a remarkable player! NormOne
Word...WOW!!! Hi, My name is Rex and I found your site as a
link from the Maynard tribute site. I just have to say that
your performance of the Star Spangled Banner is second to
none. I am a lead player in my high school and that is the
coolest version I have ever heard!!! I was wondering why I
can't save and throw it on a cd? Also if you sell that
arrangement I would be the first to buy it!!!! You are a
true inspiration and I wish you the best!!! Thanks, Rex |
Screamin' Instructional Video
Dear Bill; In May of this year, I purchased your "Screamin' the
Final Embouchure" for my grandson, Tyler who is 13 and been playing the
trumpet for 2 years now, he also added the flugel horn a year ago. I
wasn't sure how much benefit he would derive from "Video Instruction"
but I took the chance anyway, and he and I are both glad I took the
chance. While his sight reading skills have been and continue to be
excellent, his private teacher had been trying to get him to work on his
embouchure for a while, saying: too many of your notes are a little
Well, the long and short of it is this; he
incorporated the video into his practice routine (this young man
practices 2-3 hours a day-voluntarily!). In July, Tyler auditioned for a
division of the Tacoma Youth Symphony-he was accepted!!! The equally
good news is-one of the gentlemen who listened to and decide the
auditions made the comment, "Young man, your embouchure is
TEXTBOOK PERFECT!" Quite an improvement in 2 months time! He is now a
member of the Debut Winds/Orchestra division of the TYSA. He has also
been selected to play in 2 bands at his school, the wind ensemble, and
the jazz ensemble, no more sour notes. It is my sincere belief, that
these accomplishments are in no small part due to your video! Thanks
Bill. Michael W., WA |